About Us

Hi I'm Helen,

Do you love all things Boho ? So do i! but after moving to the far south coast of NSW i quickly realised that the convenience and variety i was used to and craved that enabled me to just walk into a store and purchase fun Bohemian Decor items was just not available. I started sourcing my own unique pieces that stood out, had character and told a story.

Refusing to settle for cookie cutter mass produced style that the area was used to, Soon enough i had cries for help from friends and family to do the same for them, my creative mind went into overdrive & BOOM!

'The Boho Edit was born!"

Living in a small sleepy town has been challenging to say the least, However the stunning crystal clear unpolluted waters and scenic coastal landscape provides endless opportunity to be wild, discover and explore but why settle for 'Just ok' .

With an eye for detail and strong interest in style and design, countless hours have been spent sourcing the highest quality, suppliers to bring you a collection of fun, Wild Boho goods to enable you to use thoughtfully decorating your home and in every day life,  pieces that you won't just find sold on every corner and Suddenly your able to embrace the essentials without being mundane!